Meet Your Inner Healer
Welcome to your journey of healing and growth. Embrace the transformation that awaits you, as you explore the endless possibilities of holism. Together, we will navigate the path to optimal well-being, one step at a time.
You've likely heard this before but it feels worth reiterating....If we continue to do the same things over and over expecting a different outcome, we are choosing insanity! Don't you think if we had a truly clear, holistic innerstanding of health, healing and wellness, we would actually be well?
Do you have a deep feeling that something is missing from the 'heath and wellness' paradigm? Ever wonder why we can't fully achieve complete wellbeing? Listen to that voice. That is the voice that has been removed from your health and healing journey. That is the voice that has been taken out of the medical space and replaced with profit. That voice is the inner healer that has been attempting to get your attention and show you the way to true lasting health.
‘The Best Physician in us in Love’
- Paracelsus
Ancient wisdom tells us that the physical body is just one part of the whole you. YOU are actually a light, a spark, an energetic being that possesses all of the wisdom necessary to heal completely and permanently. Our physical vessels hold a highly intelligent purposeful, predictable, and perfect blueprint that knows how to heal. You are not broken and you don't need fixing. Our only job is to remember this, tap into it and allow the body to do what it does naturally.
With that, it is true that we exist in an extremely toxic milieu, and must remove the garbage on ALL levels (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual), in order to experience this innate wellbeing. But this is arguably the easy part! The challenge is to unlearn and re-learn, while releasing the fear programming that has been instilled in you since your inception. The challenge is to remember what is true about you, your health and your power.
I have explored, experienced, and played with many ways to activate and remember this healing potential, including biofield medicine, bioterrain medicine, German New Medicine, various subconscious mind healing techniques, spiritual practices, sound therapies, carbon-based and crystalline DNA-activations, and more (and I will never stop!). What has become true (and has always been true) is that we have been the answer we have been looking for all along! We are the field, we are the fancy technology, we are the mind and the breath and the body. When we allow ourselves the space to explore the life choices, inner soil (aka terrain), beliefs, distortions, and programming, along with the incoherence in the energy field- we remember, the cell remembers, the mind remembers, the soul remembers- and healing can and will ensue.
The absolute most important concept to innerstand is that I am not your healer, you are your healer! I simply create awareness and facilitate the process. You have, and have always had, your own inner healer; your own Soul to support you in every moment.
This approach to healing is NOT one-size fits all, nor will it resonate with everyone. True, deep and permanent healing on the physiologic, mental-emotional, spiritual, and energetic levels requires an expanded mindset. It will challenge you in all ways, requires you to question everything you think you know, and asks you to show up for yourself in ways you may not have ever done before. This journey goes beyond fixing your body. It's about healing all of you as a path to self-discovery, authentic living, and embodying the Creator within you.
The final bit of understanding I would like to impart is that even though I have been trained as a medical doctor and have all of the fancy pieces of paper to prove it, my choice is not to practice under the 'sick care medicine' illusion. Therefore, we will not be diagnosing or treating disease or ‘practicing medicine’ as outlined by the medical institutions in any state, so if that is what you are looking for, we may not be the best fit and I recommend finding an allopathic medical physician. However, if you'd like to know what’s beneath the fancy names, move the toxins out of the way, along with limitation and programming, to discover who and what you truly are; then, come on, let's play!