A private membership is made up of man and woman only (this is describing man and woman as defined under the law of Creation and NOT in relation to identity or identity politics). Did you know that as man and woman we may collectively come together to assert and stand upon our rights to assemble and associate? Did you know that you have absolute authority and control over the health of our own body, mind, and spirit; without the interference from any other man, woman, legal entity or corporation? A private membership functions by the members acting as man and woman (not as LLC, corporation, or other legal entity without soul), in their real private character and capacity.
To operate in the public is to operate as a legal fiction, like a character in a movie. In other words, in the public you may be operating as a title without a soul and not even know it (doctor, lawyer, plumber, teacher, business owner are all examples of the titles we assume when operating in the public). This is not to say that taking these titles is right or wrong; only to point out the difference between operating as the real, true Soul-driven self, versus the titled illusion. In the private, interaction can only take place between man and woman in their real capacity.
In essence, a private membership is a way to structure ones private affairs so that you may freely associate with whomever you want; we have always had the right to interact and assemble with one another as man and woman in the private. This is not a new concept. We have simply forgotten and allowed ourselves to be seduced by the ideas of corporations and 'going public' as synonymous with success. You may learn more here.
Fueled by the events of the last several (million- lol, i am joking, but not really) years, it has become abundantly clear that health freedom, knowledge and choice are muddied in a sea of bullshit, ignorance, lack of wisdom and absence of critical-thinking capabilities. Further, not everyone on this planet wants you to heal. Our current medical industrial complex has been set up in such a way that you always remain sick; continually seeking pills, surgery, and one potion after the other for the sole purpose of profit and power. Yes, it's crazy, but it is.
A private membership affords you and i a safe container to share freely the wisdom of the true Source of your healing capabilities and power. It allows us to provide you with wisdom that you can implement to free your body and mind of 'dis-ease.' THW has no interest in you coming back over and over again to line our pockets. Our truest desire is to provide the tools and guidance, and then watch you thrive and share your light and wisdom with the next soul.
Benefits of joining THW private membership include...
*All activities take place in the private (it's just you and i in agreement)
*You receive access to the full website, offerings, programs, etc. (depending on your level of engagement)
*You receive all of the wisdom that we have to share. Under this private membership, Jamie is not bound to licensing boards (i.e. AMA, medical boards and other 3-letter agencies), government restrictions about curing 'dis-ease' or sharing/ utilizing techniques or products that are 'banned' or 'illegal' as these rules and restrictions are designed to keep the full gamut of heath and healing modalities hidden from you and i, so we never actually heal and thrive.
*Connection with other like-minded members for support and community
*Live and free monthly classes on various topics
*Much more as we all expand our consciousness!
Ultimately, Jamie wanted a safe space to share, connect, grow, guide, facilitate, and journey with those of (wo)mankind.
THW is for the man or woman who is ready for the deeper journey. This soul has been given all of the fancy names (diagnosis), the pills (including supplements) and doesn’t feel any better. Perhaps, they are still seeking the fancy name and are frustrated. Possibly they’ve seen functional medicine practitioners, precision medicine practitioners, or other ‘holistic’ practitioners, and are just not getting to the actual root of the problem. This soul is curious about the idea of healing themselves, what it takes and how to do so. They have a desire and willingness to un-learn and re-learn along with a deep knowing that it is possible. This soul also seeks a community that has similar goals and curiosity.
THW is not for those who wish to ‘biohack’ or shortcut the body, for in this space, we do not believe the body needs to be ‘hacked’ into. We know the body in its perfection and seek to move you back into that perfection. This is not for those who are looking for a quick fix to symptoms. While healing can be rapid at times, we do not address a symptom with a pill or a supplement. Rather, we listen to the body’s wisdom and respond accordingly. Because most, if not all, of us are in a toxic state on all levels (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual), it generally takes time and energy on your part to return to an optimal state. We do not use gimmicks and marketing tactics to lure you into ‘the healing of a lifetime’ program. We are here to bring what is true about healing forward and hope it serves you in some way. That’s it!
Finally, THW is not for those who do not wish to take personal responsibility for their own healing. Likewise, those looking for a guru or a healer will not be happy here, as the primary teaching at every stage of the THW journey is that YOU are your own healer. Having said that, guidance and support is available at every turn.
The Healing Within utilizes the basic yet profound wisdom that 'all body's know how to heal' to craft a program that taps into this self-healing capability. THW embodies many remarkable paradigms of healing including Bioterrain Medicine, German New Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Homeopathy, Bioenergetic/ Biofield Medicine, Biotoxicology, Theta Healing, Nutritional Science, Sound and Light Healing, DNA Activation and more, in order to provide a truly holistic experience.
Not only do we provide the tools and guidance for success, we provide the education on everything we ask you to do as well. With new knowledge of how your body actually works, you will not only be able to heal yourself, you will be able to take that wisdom to the next Soul! This is an important part of the journey; you must un-learn the lies, and relearn the truths.
At THW, we know there is only one cause of dis-ease in the body AND we will teach it to you! Relieving you of the plethora of confusing, misinformed medical, health and wellness advice in the ether. Once you know the cause, we can get to work on the solution together. This is not to say you won't have challenging moments, we promise- you will. But rest assured, with the right wisdom and mindset, it's nothing you can't handle!
For more information on our approach, join the community and gain access to live classes and/or modules of educational material.
This question comes up often and is only natural, as we have all been programmed to see ourselves through outcomes and external feedback. Further, we come from the 'fast-food medicine' and 'a pill for every ill' era, in which an immediate effect can often be gained through some external factor (i.e. medication, surgery, procedures). Please note that you are moving away from that world with this work. You are stepping into your own healing and becoming your own healer. With that, you will heal as fast or as slow as you and your innate wisdom deem necessary for complete and permanent change. Further, energy alchemy is often quite subtle, so checking in often is necessary to determine what has actually shifted. Shifts occur at all levels; physical (generally the slowest), mental, emotional, and spiritual; and in many ways; thru belief systems, perceptions, ideas and life changes. Lastly, it is impossible to know what your body will need, when it will need it, how it will respond and in what order. Each soul’s journey is 100% unique from every other soul, and thus, to speculate about time and result would be doing you a massive disservice.
So, instead of asking 'when or how quickly will I see results?', perhaps exploring the following will be helpful:
*How can I offer myself more love and forgiveness?
*What am I now aware of that I was not aware of prior?
*How has this awareness shifted me?
*What is my external environment reflecting back to me that requires my attention? (ie. relationships, experiences, work)
*How do my current beliefs and perceptions keep me in this same story, experiencing the same scenarios over and over?
If this answer does not satisfy your curiosity, maybe checking out the testimonials or talking to other members will help give a more direct answer.
Once you’ve autographed the affirmation statement (which pops up with most links on the site), you will be prompted to set-up a ‘Practice Better’ account. It is here that you will find available services, programs, pricing and more. This is also where we will engage in our community forum and communicate information, updates, specials, etc.