I AM, like you, a Soul that is remembering itself while in a physical body. I know myself as Jamie, and sometimes, guide, teacher, wayshower. The title matters not as we are all aspects of God in experience….
In my prior life, I was an allopathically-trained medical doctor with an ego to match. After awakening from a thirty-year slumber, I realized (with my 'real eyes') that it was all an illusion designed to distract me from the truth of who and what I AM. For many years I believed and taught the 'you are broken and need to be fixed' model of medicine (AKA sick care medicine). I lacked the awareness to know our true nature, but life would show me when I was ready to listen. In 2010, my personal health continued to deteriorate, forcing me to reevaluate my professional interests and ultimately re-write my story.
My then 18-year education in the form of systemic lupus had become overwhelming and unbearable. Constant pain, depression, anxiety, fatigue, self-loathing, obesity and more burdened me and weighed me down to the point where I had no choice but to drop the heavy load. I was called to broaden my scope of understanding about the body, and sought out holistic care that would lead to life-altering physical, mental/ emotional and spiritual changes to my body, heart and most importantly, my mind. This death and re-borning led to a permanent 'break-up' of my relationship to lupus, medication, dis-ease or conventional medical intervention and practice. I have since made it my life's passion and purpose to share my knowing's about healing and wholeness with anyone who is ready. I now know that our physical bodies are perfect, whole and balanced vessels that possess innate wisdom, consciousness and intelligence for self-healing, repair and thriving. I have great appreciation for the journey thus far, as it led me here…with you.
I currently reside in Austin, Texas with my soul-partner, Alexander and soul-seeds, Aria and Jayla. I have an active physical and spiritual lifestyle, and enjoy daily inner connection and reflection as well as learning from and communing with our Creator, people, animals, food, and nature. I live everyday with the aim to fully embody the role of wayshower for healing and living in the present moment. I find great personal fulfillment and joy in co-creating my reality and experiencing this game of life to the fullest.